Texts And Similar Things
Here you will find different texts I have written over the
years. As you can possibly imagine I did this nearly always
in German. There is only one document contained which I
actually wrote in English
(click here to see it immediatly).
Everything else is written in German and -- because I use
to play with language -- probably difficult to understand
for foreigners.
Since 1995 I am writing a column called
Rammis Rüde Rubrik (Rammi's rude Rubrique), where
I talked about things I dislike. It was first only published
in the Braunschweig (my hometown)
(environment newspaper) on real (surely
environment-friendly) paper, but now it could also be found
online in the
Here is an archive of the RRR:
Rammis Rüde Rubrik
This is an article which I wrote for the
First Logras Winter Meeting held 1991. Logras is a
small town in France directly at the Suisse border near the
Suisse city Genf where the European particle colliders of CERN
are located (which you may possible know because the WWW
started there). Thomas, a friend of mine, decided to celebrate
a big new years party and told everybody he invited to write a
paper and talk about it. So I wrote
Filling up the Inner Void with Cherry Quarks,
a mixture of physics and psychology with the usual shot of
nihilism. I wrote it in some sort of English (and I beg your
pardon for what I did to your language). The paper was written
in LaTeX (with pictures glued in) and everything is converted by
LaTeX2HTML with some minor changes afterward.

Sorry! There's still some work to be done here.